Creating FAT32 Drive on Linux Host

Partition Drive

  1. Run sudo lsblk and find out the device name.

  2. Run fdisk /dev/sdX where sdX is the appropriate name.

  3. Create a new partition by typing n, and then Enter for the following defaults.

  4. To set the partition type, type t , then L. Find W95 Fat32 b, then ENTER.

  5. Type w to write your output.

Format the Drive

Now run the following: sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdX1.

Mount the Drive

sudo mkdir /mnt/windrive
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/windrive

Access the Drive

cd /mnt/windrive

Now you can copy files to and from the drive

Power off

Issue poweroff command
Use data storage to download the appropriate vmdk file